Clive Andrews, comedy clown entertainer, an eccentric quirky character able to find the humour in any situation with his masterful improvised silent comedy.
This hapless innocent has mislaid the plot but knows where the heart is and will touch yours with his gentle humour, as he discovers bizarre comic solutions to life's simple problems. In the timeless silent comedy tradition, he is a bewildered, bemused, balletic buffoon finding grace in chaos and magic in the mundane.
Clive performs an adaptable blend of improvised interactive silent comedy and skilful routines, for small intimate occasions to large-scale events and most things in-between.
Skills include juggling balls, hats, clubs & plates, Clown Gags, Mime, Improvisation & Balloon Modelling.
Comic Waiter Provides the ultimate Dining experience, with an entertaining menu to suit all tastes. He serves up a feast of comical capers with endearing stupidity equalled only by his amazing dexterity. Mingling, interactive improvised comedy. Eccentric quirky humour ideal for pre-dinner drinks, Buffet or Silver Service.